Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #85: 17 days of Flutter is going strong

You need to take some days off to be able to keep up with all the content shared by the Flutter team.

In these first days of the 17 days of new Flutter content the team already shared:

In other news, the tenth annual Game Off by GitHub is finished and the winners are announced. Unfortunately, no game made in Flutter was mentioned 😢.

- Michele Volpato

Development in Flutter

Creating WebView Content Blockers with Flutter InAppWebView

by Lorenzo Pichilli

Learn how to create a custom Content Blocker for Flutter WebView instances. You cannot get the same results as using browser’s specific extensions, like AdBlock, but you can get pretty close to them.

Flutter and Rive: Adding Life to the Authentication Process— Episode 2

by Abu Anwar

The second part of the tutorial on using Rive animations in your Flutter app, that I linked last week. This week you are going to add a sign-in form.

VS Code for Flutter hacks that will blow your mind

by Mahesh Jamdade

Do you use Visual Studio Code for your Flutter projects? Here are some great tips that may help.

Backend for Flutter developers

Integrating ServerPod with Amazon S3 : A Step-by-Step Tutorial

with Ajay k

ServerPod is the server for Flutter. It is written in Dart and it is open-source. In this video, you learn how to connect ServerPod to Amazon S3.

Flutter videos 🎥

Observable Flutter: Payments in Flutter (Part 2)

with Craig Labenz

I think I missed part 3 of Observable Flutter because I do not remember watching the first part. In this episode, Craig and Jose continue their previous live stream about payments in Flutter.

Flame (Package of the Week)

I recently used Flame during a hands-on meetup with some of the contributors of the package. And the package was also used in the first codelab of 17 days of new Flutter content. I was also considering creating an RPG game with it, but I cannot fit it into my schedule yet.

Building Doodle Dash with Flutter & Flame | Learning to Fly

with Eric Windmill and Khanh Nguyen

Learning to Fly is back with season 2. In this season, you’ll learn how to create the Doodle Dash game.

You can also follow along with the codelab.

Observable Flutter: Hacking a video game

with Craig Labenz

Craig is on a roll this week with another Observable Flutter episode in which he works from the code of the latest Learning to Fly episode.

Software engineering in general

Logging practices I follow

by Eliran Turgeman

From the author: “There are many pitfall that can lead to useless, wasteful and confusing logs. Therefore I follow a specific set of practices which allows me to write better logs while also being consistent across the system.”

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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